Deterring Russia – Consequences from Russian military aggression for Europe
Digital event on Thursday, January, 13th 2022, 5 pm CET //
European countries and NATO have been dealing with Russian military probing, subversion, disinformation, cyberattacks, and overt diplomatic and economic pressure for many years. However, the latest military force build-up at the Ukrainian border as well as the open military threats of Russia against NATO members increase the probability of an open military conflict.
Is NATO / Germany prepared for a military conflict? What needs to be done.
Ben Hodges
Ben is Pershing Chair in Strategic Studies of the CEPA Think Tank. During his impressive military career in the US army, he served in many countries. In his last mission before retirement, he served as commanding general for the United States Army Europe. Ben is co-author of many publications on Deterring Russia a.o. “One Flank, One Threat, One Presence- A Strategy for NATO’s Eastern Flank (2020)” as well as recently published book “Future War and the Defence of Europe” (2021).
Digital Event via GoToWebinar, approx. 1 hour, in English language, free of charge.
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