Supply Chain

Shorten lead times and ensure delivery capability

The new post-covid realities and geo­political changes force many com­panies in the aero­space and defence industry to realign their supply chain: availa­bility, security of supply, sustaina­bility and econo­mic efficiency are reasses­sed.

Efficient operations have always been the back­bone of a success­ful company and are increa­singly becoming a decisive com­petitive advan­tage. Digitisation, new techno­logies, and new coope­ration models are also perma­nently changing the establis­hed processes in this context.

We help our clients from the aero­space and defence industry to find answers to their supply chain and operations challenges.

Our services

  • Supply chain trans­parency and risk manage­ment
  • Realign­ment of the supply chain
  • Acceleration of pro­grammes and their execution
  • Increasing efficiency in value creation
  • Increasing availability of systems

Project example


Our client, a multi­national aero­space company, has taken respon­si­bility for the rapid avai­la­bility of spare and exchange parts for its complex system with around 60,000 individual parts at the end customer. The perfor­mance-based contract includes signifi­cant financial incen­tives to keep the right parts available in the shortest possible time. Despite intensive efforts, the opera­tional per­formance to date has been very unsatis­factory.


  • Improve the quality of master data
  • Refine demand forecast
  • Refine sourcing / ware­housing strategy by item / supplier
  • Manage supply chain risks incl. obsolescence
  • Measure / improve process per­formance


Due to the adjust­ments in the processes and the organi­sation, the availa­bility of spare parts as well as the opera­tional perfor­mance could be signifi­cantly increased step by step. All contrac­tual KPIs were achieved or exceeded.

Your Contact Person

Dr. Mike Körner
