Programme Management

Speed-up complex programmes

Defence and aero­space companies usually have a high level of com­pe­tence in pro­gramme manage­ment and profes­sional execu­tion proces­ses. Never­the­less, delays, immense cost increases, and per­formance limita­tions occur regularly. The challenges in a complex programme vary greatly according to project specifics and phase in the project life cycle. With our ACTRANS programme assess­ment methodo­logy, we help the pro­gramme to gain trans­parency and identify typical weak­nesses and risks.

We help our clients from the aero­space and defence sector to sus­tainably speed-up their program­mes and to identify levers for opera­tional improve­ments.

Our Services

  • Programme reviews / red team reviews / programme audits
  • Increasing the efficiency of project develop­ment and execution processes
  • Hybrid development processes (Agile & V-Model)
  • Management of internal / external interfaces
  • Support in difficult project phases

Project Example


An international techno­logy group has recurring time and cost overruns in pro­gramme execution. During execution, the project margin deterio­rates by an average of 4% compared to the initial contract calcula­tion.


  • Revision of the programme review process, including a higher level of detail on weak­nesses.
  • Establishment of regular communi­cation between pro­grammes and the Executive Board
  • Adjustment of monthly progress moni­toring and margin develop­ment
  • Establish­ment of new project roles and their training (PMO, planner, claim manager)
  • Adjustment of variable com­pen­sation / target agree­ments


Increased trans­parency regarding project com­plexity and risks. It is expected that the early counter­measures will lead to a signifi­cant reduction in margin erosion.

Your Contact Person

Dr. Mike Körner
